Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths

Today’s Biggest Housing Market Myths

  • Marks Realty Group

// - When buying or selling a home, the housing market can be filled with misinformation. As a potential homebuyer or seller, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction, especially in today’s dynamic real estate environment. Partnering with a knowledgeable real estate agent is the best way to navigate the market, as they provide accurate, research-backed information. Below, we’ll debunk three of the most common homebuying myths you may have encountered.

1. Myth: Home Prices Are Going to Crash—Just Wait

Many people believe that waiting for a major housing market crash will help them get a better deal. The truth is, while home prices vary by location, experts agree that we’re not heading for a market crash like we saw in 2008. In fact, the current real estate market is defined by an undersupply of homes, not an oversupply. Real estate agents and market analysts are seeing consistent demand, making this scenario different from the housing crisis of the past. Waiting for a crash might cause you to miss out on the best opportunity to buy.

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2. Myth: There Are No Homes Available to Buy

Another common concern is that there are too few homes on the market, making it hard to find something to buy. However, according to data from, the housing inventory has grown over the past year, improving buyer options. While housing supply hasn’t fully returned to pre-pandemic levels, it is heading in a positive direction. An experienced realtor can help you explore current listings and find the right home, easing fears about low inventory.

3. Myth: You Need 20% Down to Buy a Home

Many prospective buyers think they need to save a 20% down payment before purchasing a home. However, according to Fannie Mae and the National Association of Realtors (NAR), most first-time homebuyers put down as little as 6%. Depending on the type of loan you qualify for, you might only need 3.5% or even 0% down. Real estate agents can help clarify financing options, ensuring you understand what’s required for your unique situation.

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help

If you’ve been influenced by these myths, it's time to consult a trusted real estate professional. A qualified agent can provide accurate data, bust myths, and guide you through the complexities of buying or selling a home.

Bottom Line

When in doubt about the housing market, working with Marks Realty Group is key to making informed decisions. Don’t let misconceptions keep you from achieving your homeownership goals.


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