Holiday of Lights and Winterwonderland

Holiday of Lights and Winterwonderland

  • Marks Realty Group

Downtown San Rafael's

Holiday of Lights & Winter Wonderland
Shop Small 
November 25th, 2023, 12pm - 6pm

Holiday Tree Lighting in the Plaza at 5:30pm!

Winter Wonderland (8.5 × 11 in)

The Downtown San Rafael Business Improvement District invites you to attend the Annual Holiday of Lights and Winter Wonderland on Shop Small Saturday, November 25th from 12pm-6pm! This event will have a Makers Marketplace, Human Snow Globe, Ornament Craft Table, Live Music, Food Trucks, Jumpies, a Juggler, a Toy Drive, and Sweets Galore!

Throughout Downtown San Rafael, there will be an Elf Hunt, Shop Small Saturday merchant treats and discounts, and a Window Decorating Contest!

Starting at 5:00pm the DJ will start playing favorite Holiday tunes in the plaza and at 5:30pm we will LIGHT THE HOLIDAY TREE!

Join the Annual Great Elf Hunt to win hundreds of dollars in gift card prizes!  And check out the Shop Local Merchant Specials and Discounts.

Happy Holidays!



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